Saturday, December 17, 2011

Final Project

Scott Sternbach

Is photography what you always wanted to pursue?
“Yes, I started when I was 10-11 years old; I had a camera set and everything.”
2. Did you ever think you would get this far?
“Yes, one thing about me is I always thought I could be the best. An advantage I had was that my Grandfather and by Great Grandfather used to take photographs; they are the ones who got me started. I grew up in New Jersey and my parents supported, they used to take me to galleries and exhibitions.”
3. Granted by the National Science Foundation to photograph breath taking Antarctic, landscape, what was your first thought?
“I was screaming. Had a bottle of champagne, going there is beyond anyone meets. You’re not allowed to go there unless you doing some type of research or are granted to do so. I don’t know if this a bit arrogant to say, but I always knew I would get it.” The first time I applied, I didn’t get it, the second time, I did.”   
4. What do you like to photograph the most? What is your favorite scene?
Something that tells stories, places found compelling. Like beauty at the edge of great difficulty. That’s why I chose polar places, expressive places; anyone that can survive in such harsh environments and situations is interesting. Where there is human spirit, to see how people react when under pressure.”  
5. Who inspired you?
“Just looking at photographs inspired me.”
6. Stereotypically photographers are viewed as really laid back people, that don’t do very much, is this true?
“Complete Opposite I would say. Pushing to get published, it’s been a journey. Room for being lazy, doesn’t come into the picture. People always tell me “I don’t know how you do it” I always have a lot of energy.”
7. At what age did you start taking pictures?
“I started when I was ten to eleven years old.”  

8. What has been your educational career? Where did you go to school?
“I went to Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, then I transferred to New School for research, and then I finished at City College.”  
9. Does this have anything to do with the new polar movie coming out in theatres soon?
“What movie? No, not at all... Although I am working on a movie of Alaska, a documentary on Artic Natural Life.”
10. What are your future goals?
“Continue LaGuardia program, and continue to make it grow not in size, but in quality. I am also planning on going back to Antarctic and Alaska. I also want to go to hot places after; I like to go to the extreme. Maybe after that I’d go to the equator. Later make a big exhibition of Survival in both extreme cold and hot places.”  
11. Why did you decide to join the LaGuardia staff?
“Never planned it, in the 90’s I had an exhibition here in LaGuardia and they were impressed with what they saw. They offered me a position here. I’ve been here since 2000, it’s been 11 years.”  
12. Why did you take the job? (Professor in LaGuardia)
“Natural opportunity, I also wanted to pass on what I learned, and continue learning. Students can keep you on your feet.”  
13. Anything you would like to add about yourself?
“I just wished I lived closer, I have to drive here all the way from New Jersey.”
14. One word you would say describes you?

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